Saturday, June 9, 2012

Texas Trip Documented by a Real Camera

Remember this post? 
Well, these are the real pictures from the trip. Not the ones from a measly cell phone.

Yates, Garrett's little brother, had no clue that we were coming to Texas for his graduation. I mean, he was absolutely clueless. He was blind sided. He was shocked. Surprised. Ok, I think he may have had a tiny clue that we may have been there.

 Brett waiting in the window for Yates to come home. He was late.

Garrett started playing the drums upstairs in Yates' room when he walked into the house. He came upstairs and was so excited to see his big brother! And me too, right Yates? Right?

 Blurry but happy.

The next night we played washers at the Cypert's house. It was fun but I sucked. Big time.

Yates opening his graduation gift from my parents. Texas Rangers tickets.

Garrett's dad, his Mama C, my dad, and mom at Yates' graduation. 

Me and Yaterbug.


Mom and Dad took us to a Texas Rangers game. Hot but fun. 

Josh Hamilton

#5 is a beautiful man

This weekend my family and Garrett's family are here for Garrett's graduation. Our college friend Michael was here for the first part of the week too.  It's been a ton of family/friends time and it was much needed!

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