Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Harley Turned 6!

I'm posting a "cat birthday" post. Again.
My oldest cat son turned 6 on Saturday. 
6....this age makes me sad. Why do pets have to get old so fast?

I want him to go back to this age...

Mom, this next picture is for you.
Do you remember laughing at it? Making fun of your grandson? 
Huh, do ya?

I have two cats, but this cat is mine. 
We are inseparable. I think it's because he was my first born purchased.

 : )

He is a cuddle bug. He fetches. And he's mean to pretty much everyone except me and Garrett. Just the way a cat should be! : ) 

I love you Harley!

I told my dad that he was 42 in human years.
Dad said, "Tell him to wait 'til he's 50!"


  1. Awwww happy belated birthday, Harley! And to think...I met him when he was just a toddler. Can't wait to see him (and you two!) in less than a month!!

  2. Aww happy birthday Harley! :)
    What a little cutie he is!

  3. Happy birthday Harley! They are getting too big! I remember when they were babies at University Courtyards :(

  4. "cuddle bug" ...I think i have scars to prove the only one he's lets touch him is you lol
